Circular Planar Cathode For Magnetron Sputtering


Characteristics of circular cathode design:

1. Water cooling adopts a large cross-sectional direct water cooling structure to shorten the distance between the magnet and the target material;
2. The main bracket is made of PEEK material, which improves the insulation performance;
3. All electrical inlet parts are made of high-purity oxygen free copper material, which reduces the distribution of connection resistance;
4. The magnet is made of high uniformity neodymium iron boron material, which improves the horizontal magnetic field strength and distribution uniformity.

Magnetron sputtering cathode has the following advantages:

1. Suitable for high-power density sputtering with high sputtering rate;
2. The sputtering cathode has a long service life;
3. High utilization rate of target material, reaching over 40%;
4. The thickness uniformity and composition consistency of the sputtered film are good, and can reach within ± 3%.